
Winter semester 2024/25

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Applied Combinatorial Optimization, Lecture Savchynskyy Mathematikon B, Berliner Str. 43, SR B128
Computer Vision, Seminar Savchynskyy Mathematikon B (Berliner Str. 43), SR B128
Generative Neural Networks for the Sciences, Lecture Köthe Großer Hörsaal COS (INF 231, ground floor)

Summer semester 2024

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Practical: Combinatorial Optimization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Practical Savchynskyy individual appointments
Intelligent Systems, Lecture Rother, Gertz, Köthe, Riezler, Durstewitz tbd
Machine Learning Essentials, Lecture Köthe TBA
Computer Vision, Lecture Rother Mathematikon B, Berliner Str. 43, SR B128 Lecture Tuesdays 11.15 - 12.45 Tutorial Thursdays 11.15 - 12.45
Computer Vision, Seminar Savchynskyy Mathematikon B (Berliner Str. 43), SR B128

Winter semester 2023/24

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Generative Neural Networks for the Sciences, Lecture Köthe TBD
Computer Vision: 3D Reconstruction , Lecture Rother Mathematikon B, Berliner Str. 43, SR B128 Lecture: Tuesdays from 11-13; Exercise: Thursdays from 11-13
Practical: Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Practical Rother please contact me
Computer Vision, Seminar Savchynskyy Mathematikon B (Berliner Str. 43), SR B128

Summer semester 2023

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Machine Learning Essentials, Lecture Köthe TBA
Pflichtseminar Convex Optimization in Machine Learning, Seminar Hamprecht TBD
Pflichtseminar Molecular Machine Learning, Seminar Hamprecht TBD
Journal Club Advanced Machine Learning , Seminar Hamprecht, Lippmann, Fita INF 205, SR 4.300
Optimization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Seminar Savchynskyy Mathematikon B (Berliner Str. 43), SR B128
Computer Vision: 3D Reconstruction , Lecture Rother Mathematikon B, Berliner Str. 43, SR B128 Block course 31.7 - 4.8

Winter semester 2022/23

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Journal Club: Advanced Machine Learning, Seminar Lippmann, Hamprecht INF 205, SR 4.300
Mensch und Automat, Seminar Köthe, Voß, Müller TBA
Optimization for Machine Learning, Lecture Savchynskyy Mathematikon B (Berliner Str. 43), SR B128
Optimization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Seminar Savchynskyy Mathematikon B (Berliner Str. 43), SR B128
Machine Learning and Physics, Lecture Hamprecht Philosophenweg 12, Großer Hörsaal
Computer Vision: 3D Reconstruction , Lecture Carsten Rother Mathematikon B, Berliner Str. 43, SR B128 Lecture: Tuesdays from 11-13; Exercise: Thursdays from 11-13

Summer semester 2022

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Advanced Machine Learning, Lecture Köthe INF 252, INF 235
Unsupervised computer vision, Seminar Savchynskyy Mathematikon B (Berliner Str. 43), SR B128
Data analysis tools in Python, Lecture Cerrone Philos.-weg 12 / CIP

Winter semester 2021/22

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Training deep learning models for vision, Module Pape Room 02.103 / 02.104 INF 205 (Mathematikon) Registration required due to limited number of participants
Fundamentals of Machine Learning, Lecture Köthe Online
Optimization for Machine Learning, Lecture Savchynskyy TBA Block-course, registration in Müsli required
Practical: Combinatorial Optimization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Practical Savchynskyy individual appointments
Neural Networks meet Combinatorial Optimization, Seminar Savchynskyy Mathematikon B (Berliner Str. 43), SR B128
Computer Vision: 3D Reconstruction, Lecture Carsten Rother Mathematikon B, Berliner Str. 43, SR B128 Lecture: Tuesdays from 11-13; Exercise: Thursdays from 11-13

Summer semester 2021

Title Lecturer Location Notice
3D Computer Vision, Lecture Carsten Rother --- the course is moved to WS 21/22
Learning to Synthesize Images, Seminar Carsten Rother Mathematikon B, Berliner Str. 43, SR B128 (or online) Registration required (via Muesli)
Advanced Machine Learning, Lecture Köthe TBA
Computer Vision and Deep Learning, Seminar Ommer Mathematikon | INF 205 Registration required due to limited number of participants
Combinatorial Optimization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Seminar Savchynskyy online, MS Teams Registration in Müsli required
Practical: Combinatorial Optimization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Practical Savchynskyy online individual appointments only

Winter semester 2020/21

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Fundamentals of Machine Learning, Lecture Köthe Online
Computer Vision and Deep Learning, Seminar Ommer Mathematikon | INF 205 Registration required due to limited number of participants
Computer Vision and Deep Learning: Practical for Beginner/Advanced, Practical Ommer Mathematikon | INF 205
Optimization for Machine Learning, Lecture Savchynskyy online Registration in Müsli required
Combinatorial Optimization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Seminar Savchynskyy online Registration in Müsli required
Practical: Combinatorial Optimization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Practical Savchynskyy Mathematikon B, Berlinerstr. 43, Room B108 individual appointments only
Computer Vision: 3D Reconstruction, Lecture Rother virtual Registration required

Summer semester 2020

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Computer Vision: Foundations, Lecture Hamprecht Virtual
Design your AI-based StartUp, Lecture Rother, Kirschstein (SRH Heidelberg) - Unfortunately this course has to be postponed to a not defined time in the future.
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, Lecture Köthe online (später: Hörsaal Ost, INF 252)
3D Computer Vision, Lecture Rother virtual Information via Müsli and Moodle
3D Computer Vision , Exercise Rother virtual Information via Müsli and Moodle
Deep Vision, Lecture Ommer INF 205 / Lecture Hall (HS) (Ground Floor)
Deep Vision (Exercise), Exercise Ommer INF 205 / Lecture Hall (HS) (Ground Floor)
Machine Learning meets Graph Theory, Seminar Hamprecht tbd
Combinatorial Optimization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Seminar Savchynskyy virtual, HeiConf
Teaching of the IPA group, Lecture Schnörr Various

Winter semester 2019/20

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Machine Learning , Lecture Hamprecht INF 227 HS 2
How do I lie with statistics?, Seminar Köthe Mathematikon A, 2nd floor, SR 2/103
Optimization for Machine Learning, Lecture Savchynskyy Mathematikon B, Berlinerstr. 43, Room B128
Combinatorial Optimization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Seminar Savchynskyy Mathematikon B, Berlinerstr. 43, Room B128
Convex and Combinatorial Optimization, Seminar Savchynskyy Mathematikon B, Berlinerstr. 43, Room B128
3D Computer Vision, Lecture Rother Mathematikon B, Berliner Str. 43, SR B128 Block course 16.03.2020 until 27.03.2020
Teaching of the IPA group, Lecture Schnörr Various

Summer semester 2019

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Advanced Machine Learning, Lecture Köthe HS INF 360 (Wed) Mathematikon (Fr)
Artificial Intelligence for Games, Seminar Köthe, Rother Mathematikon A, 2rd floor, SR 2/103
Deep Vision, Lecture Ommer Mathematikon | INF 205 | Lecture Hall
Deep Vision (Exercise), Exercise Ommer Mathematikon | INF 205 | Room TBA
Computer Vision and Deep Learning, Seminar Ommer Mathematikon | INF 205 | Room TBA Registration required due to limited number of participants
Computer Vision and Deep Learning: Practical for Beginner/Advanced, Practical Ommer Mathematikon | INF 205
3D Computer Vision, Lecture Rother Mathematikon B, Berliner Str. 43, SR B128 Monday, 9:30-11:00
3D Computer Vision, Exercise Rother Mathematikon B, Berliner Str. 43, SR B128 Thursday 14:00 - 15:30
Combinatorial Optimization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Seminar Savchynskyy Mathematikon B, B.128
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, Lecture Savchynskyy INF 252 / HSO; Philos.-weg 12 / gHS Di 14:00-16:00; Mi 9:00-11:00; Anmeldung für Übungen erforderlich
Teaching of the IPA group, Lecture Schnörr Various

Winter semester 2018/19

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Fundamentals of Machine Learning, Lecture Köthe to be announced
Practical: Computer Vison and Machine learning, Practical Rother, Hosseini none
Optimization for Machine Learning, WS2018/19, Lecture Savchynskyy -
Combinatorial Optimization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Seminar Savchynskyy -
Einführung in die Praktische Informatik, Lecture Ommer Großer Hörsaal Chemie, INF 252
Computer Vision and Deep Learning: Practical for Beginner/Advanced, Practical Ommer Mathematikon
Einführung in die Praktische Informatik, Exercise Ommer Großer Hörsaal Chemie, INF 252
Teaching of the IPA group, Lecture Schnörr Various

Summer semester 2018

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Machine Learning for Computer Vision: Lecture, Exercise and Project, Lecture Hamprecht Mathematikon B, Berliner Str. 43, SR B128
Softwarepraktikum Machine Learning for Computer Vision, Practical Hamprecht, Haussmann tbd
Explainable Machine Learning, Seminar Köthe, Rother Mathematikon B (Berliner Str. 43), 3. floor, SR 128 Thursdays, 14:00-16:00
Advanced Machine Learning, Lecture Köthe Hörsaal COS, INF 360 Wednesdays, 14:15-15:45; Fridays, 11:15-12:45
Object Recognition and Image Understanding , Exercise Ommer, Brattoli SR B Tu 16.00-18.00
Object Recognition and Image Understanding, Lecture Ommer, Brattoli HS | INF 205 Mo 14.00-16.00 & Tu 14.00-16.00 | Pre-registration required, please see https://hci.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/CompVis_Teaching
Computer Vision and Deep Learning: Practical for Beginner/Advanced, Practical Ommer, Brattoli Mathematikon | Room TBA time & place of briefing TBA
Reconstructing and Understanding the 3D World, Lecture Rother Mathematikon B seminar room 128 (3rd floor) 10 Day Block lecture from 17.9 until 28.9 (each day will be 3-4 lectures). Details to come.
Optimization for Machine Learning, Lecture Savchynskyy Mathematikon B, SR B128 Registration required - see description for details
Seminar: Optimization for Machine Learning, Seminar Savchynskyy, Rother Mathematikon B, SR B128 registration required, see website
Teaching of the IPA group, Lecture Schnörr Various

Winter semester 2017/18

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Programming with Python, Practical Hamprecht TBD Registration required - see description for details
Fundamentals of Machine Learning, Lecture Köthe to be announced
Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Ommer Mathematikon | INF 205 | HS Di 14.00-16.00
Artificial Intelligence, Exercise Ommer Mathematikon | SR C Freitag 14-16 Uhr
Visual Learning and Computer Vision Beginner/Advanced, Practical Ommer Mathematikon | Room TBA Registration required - see description for details
Visual Learning and Computer Vision , Seminar Ommer Mathematikon | INF 205 SR 9 Registration required - see description for details
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten , Lecture Ommer INF 205 | SR 05 Registration required - see description for details
Pflichtmodul, Lecture Ommer INF 205/ seminar-room 5
Teaching of the IPA group, Lecture Schnörr Various

Summer semester 2017

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Praxis Test! Computer Vision und Kunstgeschichte in der Zusammenarbeit, Exercise Ommer, Lang tba registration required
Digitale Bildverarbeitung in den Geisteswissenschaften, Seminar Ommer, Lang Mathematikon INF 205, SR 7
Visual Learning and Computer Vision für Anfänger/Fortgeschrittene, Practical Ommer Zeit & Vorbesprechung n.V. Registration required
Visual Learning and Computer Vision , Seminar Ommer Mathematikon INF 205, SR 7 Registration open until: 07.04.2017
High-level Vision, Seminar Ommer Mathematikon INF 205, SR 8
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, Lecture Köthe Di 13:30-15:00, Do 13:30-15:00
Ist künstliche Intelligenz gefährlich?, Seminar Köthe Mathematikon, Seminarraum A Anmeldung per Email erforderlich
Bachelor-Pflichtseminar Machine Learning, Seminar Hamprecht Mathematikon INF 205, SR 10
Teaching of the IPA group, Lecture Schnörr Various

Winter semester 2016/17

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Einführung in die Praktische Informatik, Lecture Köthe Großer Hörsaal Chemie, INF 252
Oberseminar Image Analysis, Seminar Hamprecht Mathematikon, Seminarraum 10
Machine Learning, Seminar Hamprecht Mathematikon, Seminarraum 10
Advanced Machine Learning, Seminar Hamprecht Berliner Strasse 43, 3rd floor, large seminar room
Deep Vision, Lecture Ommer INF 205 / SR A
Deep Vision , Exercise Ommer INF 205 / SR 8
Groups & Clusters: Principles of Arrangement, Seminar Ommer INF 205 / SR 8
Ordnungssysteme in der Kunstgeschichte und Computer Vision, Seminar Ommer, Lang to be announced Registration required
Visual Learning and Computer Vision für Anfänger/Fortgeschrittene, Practical Ommer Zeit & Vorbesprechung n.V. Registration required
Visual Learning and Computer Vision (beginner) , Practical Ommer Zeit & Vorbesprechung n.V.
Visual Learning and Computer Vision (advanced), Practical Ommer Zeit & Vorbesprechung n.V.
Teaching of the IPA group, Lecture Schnörr Various

Summer semester 2016

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Object Recognition & Image Understanding , Lecture Ommer INF 205 (Mathematikon)
Object Recognition & Image Understanding , Exercise Ommer INF 205 (Mathematikon)
Visual Learning and Computer Vision, Practical Ommer INF 205 (Mathematikon) Registration required - see description for details.
Visual Learning and Computer Vision , Seminar Ommer INF 205 (Mathematikon) Registration required - see description for details.
Basics of Modern Image Analysis, Lecture Hamprecht Mathematikon B, Berliner Strasse 43, SR B128
Machine Learning, Seminar Hamprecht Mathematikon Bauteil B, Berliner Str. 43, Raum B128
Advanced Machine Learning, Lecture Köthe Mathematikon A (INF 205), Seminarraum A
Teaching of the IPA group, Lecture Schnörr Various

Winter semester 2015/16

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Lenzen, Ommer HCI (Speyerer Str. 6), 2nd floor, large seminar room
Artificial Intelligence, Exercise Lenzen, Ommer HCI (Speyerer Str. 6), 2nd floor, large seminar room
Deep Vision, Lecture Lenzen, Ommer HCI (Speyerer Str. 6), 2nd floor, large seminar room
Deep Vision, Exercise Lenzen, Ommer HCI (Speyerer Str. 6), 3rd floor, seminar room
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, Seminar Lenzen, Ommer HCI (Speyerer Str. 6), 2nd floor, large seminar room
Master-Pflichtseminar: Deep Learning in Artificial Neural Networks, Seminar Hamprecht, Köthe HCI, Speyerer Straße 6 Registration required - see description for details.
Objekterkennung und Computersehen, Practical Ommer HCI (Speyerer Straße 6) Registration required - see description for details.
Lecture Machine Learning, Lecture Köthe HCI (Speyerer Str. 6, large seminar room H 2.22)
Soziale Netzwerke und Künstliche Intelligenz: Risikoabschätzung, Seminar Hamprecht, Platt tbd Registration required - see description for details.
Fundamentals of Machine Learning, Lecture Köthe ukoethe
Teaching of the IPA group, Lecture Schnörr Various

Summer semester 2015

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Teaching of the IPA group, Lecture Schnörr Various

Winter semester 2014/15

Title Lecturer Location Notice
Teaching of the IPA group, Lecture Schnörr Various